I watched 124 movies in 2010.
63 dvds from Netflix
49 streamed on Netflix Instant
6 in the theater
6 (other)
The average cost per movie for my Netflix subscription was $1.82.
2010's 124 movies is the highest total since I've been keeping track.
2009: 91
2008: 118
2007: 85
2006: 96
2005: 99
Most movies in a single month this year was May with 16 films, followed by January with 15 and December with 14. The least in a single month was November with only 5.
I watched 48 movies on Saturdays, by far the highest for any day of week. 28 on Fridays, 23 on Sundays.
I realize it is pretty nerdy to keep track of all that, but I always enjoy having that info and being able to look back.
I used to keep track of my top 10 movies each year, but I have given up on that. Everybody puts out a top 10 list at the end of the year nowadays, and I don't feel the need to add mine to the multitude. I don't see a lot of the big favorites until the following year anyway, so my list always feels lacking. I will say that I caught up with some great older movies in 2010 that I had missed out on previously. For the most part the new movies were a disappointment with some notable exceptions. I only made it to the theater 6 times for the entire year... that is about normal for me. I was lucky enough to see Shutter Island, Inception, Jackass 3D, and True Grit on the big screen. I am sure I missed out on some great ones, but I will catch them on bluray soon enough.
I am looking forward to watching a lot more movies in 2011. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that I won't make it to 124 this year. I probably won't even make it to 100. Maybe in 2011 I will go for quality instead of quantity as my time will be much more constrained. Every year on the first of January I watch a film. I'm not sure what it is going to be tonight. Maybe I will finally pop in that bluray of The Karate Kid that has been sitting on my shelf since late October.
I hope you all have an enjoyable start to the new year, and watch some wonderful films in 2011. I look forward to chatting about movies with you in the months to come. Thanks for reading. I will keep posting.
Filed Under: Stats